Über mich

Priv. Doz. Dr. Alexander Brunner, MBA

Aufgewachsen bin ich in einem kleinen Weindorf in der Pfalz im Südwesten von Deutschland. 
Nach der Schulausbildung studierte ich Medizin an der Universität Ulm. Danach zog es mich ans Luzerner Kantonsspital in die Schweiz wo ich meine Facharztausbildungen zum Chirurgen sowie zum Orthopäden und Traumatologen absolvierte. Nach Rotationen an die Unikliniken Basel und Innsbruck erhielt ich 2012 in Luzern die Oberarztreife. Nach einem humanitären Einsatz in Äthiopien wechselte ich 2014 aus privaten Gründen dauerhaft an die Uniklinik Innsbruck. Dort spezialisierte ich mich als Oberarzt in den Abteilungen Unfallchirurgie und Orthopädie auf die Behandlung von Fuss und Sprunggelenkserkrankungen sowie auf den künstlichen Gelenksersatz bei Arthrose. In dieser Zeit wurde mir von der European Hip Society der Travel Fellowship Award verliehen, der es mir ermöglichte, meine Spezialisierung in England zu vertiefen. 
Von 2020 – 2024 leitete ich die Orthopädie und Traumatologie am BKH St. Johann in Tirol und konnte dort meine Expertise in der Behandlung von Gelenksbeschwerden nochmals deutlich erweitern.
Seit Januar 2025 führe ich meine meiner eigenen Wahlartordination im Sportmedkitz Standort Aurach und freue mich, meine Patienten dort weiterhin umfassend behandeln zu dürfen.

Beruflicher Werdegang

1997 – 2004 Studium der Humanmedizin an der Universität Ulm
2004 Promotion zum Dr. med. über die Prothesenversorgung bei Hüften mit Dysplasiecoxarthrose
2011 Facharzt für Orthopädie und Traumatologie
2012 Facharzt für Allgemein- und Visceralchirurgie
2012 Habilitation und Verleihung der Lehrbefugnis (venia docendi) durch die Medizinische Universität Innsbruck
2013 Humanitärer Einsatz in Jimma (Äthiopien) zum Aufbau einer unfallchirurgischen Abteilung
2015 – 2019 Wirtschaftsstudium mit Abschluss Master of Buisness Administration
2019 Travel Fellowship Award der European Hip Society
2020 - 2024 Leitung der Orthopädie und Traumatologie am BKH St. Johann
2025 Sportmedkitz Aurach – Wahlarzt für Orthopädie und Traumatologie

Mitgliedschaften in Fachgesellschaften

Österreichische Gesellschaft für Orthopädie und Traumatologie (ÖGOuT)
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Fusschirurgie (ÖGF)
European Hip Society (EHS)

Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Radiological predictors of outcomes in hip arthroscopy for femoroacetabular impingement.

Wagner M, Schaller L, Endstrasser F, Vavron P, Braito M, Schmaranzer E, Schmaranzer F, Brunner A.

Bone Joint J. 2024 Aug 1;106-B(8):775-782.

Midterm Results of AAA Ankle Arthroplasty.

Endstrasser F, Lindtner RA, Landegger A, Wagner M, Eichinger M, Schönthaler H, Kaufmann G, Brunner A.

Foot Ankle Int. 2023 Oct;44(10):983-991.

Incidence of alpine skiing and snowboarding injuries.

Wagner M, Liebensteiner M, Dammerer D, Neugebauer J, Nardelli P, Brunner A.

Injury. 2023 Aug;54(8):110830.

First report of lumbar spinal epidural hematoma after pelvic ring fracture.

Wagner M, Riegger T, Brunner A, Dammerer D, Ulmar B, Aliabadi H.

Spinal Cord Ser Cases. 2023 Jul 11;9(1):30.

External validation of the Tyrolean hip arthroplasty registry.

Wagner M, Neururer S, Dammerer D, Nardelli P, Kaufmann G, Braito M, Brunner A.

J Exp Orthop. 2022 Aug 30;9(1):87.

Are degenerative findings detected on traction MR arthrography of the hip associated with failure of arthroscopic femoroacetabular impingement surgery?

Lerch TD, Nanavati AK, Heimann AF, Meier MK, Steppacher SD, Wagner M, Brunner A, Vavron P, Schmaranzer E, Schwab JM, Tannast M, Schmaranzer F.

Eur Radiol. 2024 Jun;34(6):3555-3565.

CT-guided infiltration of the ischiofemoral space in young patients with ischiofemoral impingement is an effective diagnostic tool.

Heimann AF, Wagner M, Vavron P, Brunner A, Donners R, Schmaranzer E, Steppacher SD, Tannast M, Sutter R, Schmaranzer F.

Insights Imaging. 2024 Oct 7;15(1):235.

Emergency Service Assistance for Injuries on Alpine Ski Slopes: A Cross-Sectional Study.

Wagner M, Pfurtscheller S, Dammerer D, Nardelli P, Kaufmann G, Brunner A.

Prehosp Disaster Med. 2022 Dec;37(6):778-782

Survivorship of Ceramic-on-Ceramic Total Hip Arthroplasty With Metal-Backed Acetabular Liners at 10 Years.

Wagner M, Schönthaler H, Endstrasser F, Neururer S, Leitner H, Brunner A.

J Arthroplasty. 2021 Oct;36(10):3507-3512.

Manual lymphatic drainage before and after total knee arthroplasty, a randomized controlled trial.

Wagner M, Wittlinger A, Auffarth A, Endstrasser F, Neururer S, Brunner A.

J Clin Orthop Trauma. 2024 Apr 14;51:102401.

Hip arthroscopy with initial access to the peripheral compartment for femoroacetabular impingement: midterm results from a large-scale patient cohort.

Wagner M, Lindtner RA, Schaller L, Schmaranzer F, Schmaranzer E, Vavron P, Endstrasser F, Brunner A.

J Orthop Traumatol. 2024 May 24;25(1):29.

Bonit Coating Leads to Macroscopic Bone Ingrowth at 8 Weeks After Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty.

Wagner M, Brunner A, Kaufmann G, Dammerer D, Nardelli P, Schwaighofer E.

Arthroplast Today. 2022 Jul 19;16:203-206.

Patients with combined pelvic and spinal injuries have worse clinical and operative outcomes than patients with isolated pelvic injuries analysis of the German Pelvic Registry.

Navas L, Mengis N, Zimmerer A, Rippke JN, Schmidt S, Brunner A, Wagner M, Höch A, Histing T, Herath SC, Küper MA, Ulmar B.

BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2022 Mar 15;23(1):251.

Mid-Term Results After 517 Primary Total Hip Arthroplasties With a Shortened and Shoulderless Double-Taper Press-Fit Stem: High Rates of Aseptic Loosening.

Wagner M, Schönthaler H, Endstrasser F, Dammerer D, Nardelli P, Brunner A.

J Arthroplasty. 2022 Jan;37(1):97-102.

Can gadolinium contrast agents be replaced with saline for direct MR arthrography of the hip? A pilot study with arthroscopic comparison.

Meier MK, Wagner M, Brunner A, Lerch TD, Steppacher SD, Vavron P, Schmaranzer E, Schmaranzer F.

Eur Radiol. 2023 Sep;33(9):6369-6380.

The negative impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on pain and physical function in patients with end-stage hip or knee osteoarthritis.

Endstrasser F, Braito M, Linser M, Spicher A, Wagner M, Brunner A

Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy. 2020 Aug;28(8):2435-2443

Three-dimensional computed tomography reconstruction improves the reliability of tibial pilon fracture classification and preoperative surgical planning.

Keiler A, Riechelmann F, Thöni M, Brunner A, Ulmar B

Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2020 Feb;140(2):187-195

Evaluation criteria for the assessment of occupational diseases of the lumbar spine – how reliable are they?

Ulmar B, Wölfle-Roos J, Kocak T, Brunner A

BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2019 Oct 27;20(1):485

Screw tip augmentation leads to improved primary stability in the minimally invasive treatment of displaced intra-articular fractures of the calcaneus: a biomechanical study.

Eichinger M, Brunner A, Stofferin H, Bölderl A, Blauth M, Schmölz W

Int Orthop. 2019 Sep;43(9):2175-2181

Need for concomitant Akin osteotomy in patients undergoing Chevron osteotomy can be determined preoperatively: a retrospective comparative study of 859 cases.

Kaufmann G, Hofmann M, Braito M, Ulmer H, Brunner A, Dammerer D

J Orthop Surg Res. 2019 Aug 28;14(1):277

Results of universal ultrasound screening for developmental dysplasia of the hip: a prospective follow-up of 28 092 consecutive infants.

Biedermann R, Riccabona J, Giesinger JM, Brunner A, Liebensteiner M, Wansch J, Dammerer D, Nogler M

Bone Joint J. 2018 Oct;100-B(10):1399-1404

Prevalence of Cam and Pincer Deformities in the X-Rays of Asymptomatic Individuals.

Thier S, Gerisch D, Weiss C, Fickert S, Brunner A

Biomed Res Int. 2017

Does intra-articular load distribution change after lateral malleolar fractures? An in vivo study comparing operative and non-operative treatment.

Deml C, Eichinger M, van Leeuwen WF, Erhart S, Euler SA, Brunner A

Injury. 2017 Apr;48(4):854-860

A simple method for measurement of femoral anteversion – Validation and assessment of reproducibility

Brunner A, Eichinger M, Hengg C, Hoermann R, Brenner E, Kralinger F

J Orthop Trauma. 2016 Aug;30(8):273-8

What is the optimal salvage procedure for cut-out after surgical fixation of trochanteric fractures with the PFNA or TFN?: A multicentre study.

Brunner A, Büttler M, Lehmann U, Frei HC, Kratter R, Di Lazzaro M, Scola A, Sermon A, Attal R

Injury. 2016 Feb;47(2):432-8

A Painless Mass in the Pancreas: Incidental Finding.

Lenz A, Brunner A, Metzger J

JAMA Surg. 2015 Dec;150(12):1189-90

Subtalar arthrodesis stabilisation with screws in an angulated configuration is superior to the parallel disposition: a biomechanical study.

Eichinger M, Schmölz W, Brunner A, Mayr R, Bölderl A

Int Orthop. 2015 Nov;39(11):2275-80

Is the cortical thickness index a valid parameter to assess bone mineral density in geriatric patients with hip fractures?

Baumgärtner R, Heeren N, Quast D, Babst R, Brunner A

Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2015 Jun;135(6):805-10

The Dorsal Tangential X-Ray View to Determine Dorsal Screw Penetration During Volar Plating of Distal Radius Fractures.

Brunner A, Siebert C, Stieger C, Kastius A, Link BC, Babst R.

J Hand Surg Am. 2015 Jan;40(1):27-33

Clinical results of surgically treated paediatric fractures of the medial humeral epicondyle.

Ulmar B, Brunner A, Schwarz J, Kocak T, Stöckle U, Mittlmeier T, Stuby F, Freude T

Z Orthop Unfall. 2013 Feb;151(1):52-6

Results of surgically treated paediatric supracondylar humeral fractures.

Ulmar B, Brunner A, Kocak T, Schwarz J, Stöckle U, Mittlmeier T, Stuby F, Freude T

Z Orthop Unfall. 2012 Oct;150(5):488-94

Effect of three-dimensional computed tomography reconstructions on reliability of classification of calcaneal fractures.

Brunner A, Heeren N, Albrecht F, Hahn M, Ulmar B, Babst R

Foot Ankle Int. 2012 Sep;33(9):727-33

Minimally invasive percutaneous plating of proximal humeral shaft fractures with the Proximal Humerus Internal Locking System (PHILOS).

Brunner A, Thormann S, Babst R

J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2012 Aug;21(8):1056-63

The Humerusblock NG: a new concept for stabilization of proximal humeral fractures and its biomechanical evaluation

Brunner A, Resch H, Babst R, Kathrein S, Fierlbeck J, Niederberger A, Schmölz W

Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2012 Jul;132(7):985-92

Open reduction and internal fixation of OTA type C2-C4 fractures of the calcaneus with a triple-plate technique.

Brunner A, Müller J, Regazzoni P, Babst R

J Foot Ankle Surg. 2012 May-Jun;51(3):299-307

Treatment of supra- and intra-articular fractures of the distal humerus with the LCP Distal Humerus Plate: a 2-year follow-up

Kaiser T, Brunner A, Hohendorff B, Ulmar B, Babst R

J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2011 Mar;20(2):206-12

A symptomatic sesamoid bone in the popliteus muscle (cyamella).

Benthien JP, Brunner A

Musculoskelet Surg. 2010 Dec;94(3):141-4

Inter- and intra-observer reliability of the Cobb angle in the measurement of vertebral, local and segmental kyphosis of traumatic lumbar spine fractures in the lateral X-ray.

Ulmar B, Gühring M, Schmälzle T, Weise K, Badke A, Brunner A

Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2010 Dec;130(12):1533-8

Elastic stabilisation of proximal humeral fractures with a new percutaneous angular stable fixation device (ButtonFix): a preliminary report.

Jöckel JA, Brunner A, Thormann S, Babst R

Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2010 Nov;130(11):1397-403

Femoroacetabular impingement of the hip in sports - a review for sports physicians.

Horisberger M, Brunner A, Valderrabano V, Herzog RF

Sportverletz Sportschaden. 2010 Sep;24(3):133-9

The plain beta-angle measured on radiographs in the assessment of femoroacetabular impingement.

Brunner A, Hamers AT, Fitze M, Herzog RF

J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2010 Sep;92(9):1203-8

Closed reduction and minimally invasive percutaneous fixation of proximal humerus fractures using the Humerusblock.

Brunner A, Weller K, Thormann S, Jöckel JA, Babst R

J Orthop Trauma. 2010 Jul;24(7):407-13

Arthroscopic treatment of femoral acetabular impingement in patients with preoperative generalized degenerative changes.

Horisberger M, Brunner A, Herzog RF

Arthroscopy. 2010 May;26(5):623-9

Inter- and intraobserver reliability of the vertebral, local and segmental kyphosis in 120 traumatic lumbar and thoracic burst fractures: evaluation in lateral X-rays and sagittal computed tomographies.

Ulmar B, Brunner A, Gühring M, Schmälzle T, Weise K, Badke A

Eur Spine J. 2010 Apr;19(4):558-66

Classification systems for tibial plateau fractures; does computed tomography scanning improve their reliability?

Brunner A, Horisberger M, Ulmar B, Hoffmann A, Babst R

Injury. 2010 Feb;41(2):173-8

Arthroscopic treatment of femoroacetabular impingement of the hip: a new technique to access the joint

Horisberger M, Brunner A, Herzog RF

Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2010 Jan;468(1):182-90

Open reduction and fixation of medial Moore type II fractures of the tibial plateau by a direct dorsal approach.

Brunner A, Honigmann P, Horisberger M, Babst R

Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2009 Sep;129(9):1233-8

Traumatic thoracic spine fractures: inter- and intraobserver reliability of vertebral, local and segmental kyphosis in lateral X-rays.

Ulmar B, Gühring M, Stuby F, Brunner A, Schmälzle T, Weise K, Badke A

Z Orthop Unfall. 2009 Jul-Aug;147(4):481-6

The impact of stereo-visualisation of three-dimensional CT datasets on the inter- and intraobserver reliability of the AO/OTA and Neer classifications in the assessment of fractures of the proximal humerus.

Brunner A, Honigmann P, Treumann T, Babst R

J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2009 Jun;91(6):766-71

Sports and recreation activity of patients with femoroacetabular impingement before and after arthroscopic osteoplasty.

Brunner A, Horisberger M, Herzog RF

Am J Sports Med. 2009 May;37(5):917-22

Evaluation of a computed tomography-based navigation system prototype for hip arthroscopy in the treatment of femoroacetabular cam impingement.

Brunner A, Horisberger M, Herzog RF

Arthroscopy. 2009 Apr;25(4):382-91

The PFNA proximal femur nail in treatment of unstable proximal femur fractures - 3 cases of postoperative perforation of the helical blade into the hip joint.

Brunner A, Jöckel JA, Babst R

J Orthop Trauma. 2008 Nov-Dec;22(10):731-6

Bilateral fracture of the medial clavicles treated by open reduction and internal fixation using angle stable locking T-plates.

Brunner A, Wedi E, Hoffmann A, Babst R

Injury Extra. 2008 Aug; 39(8): 276-278

The Eftekhar and Kerboul classifications in assessment of developmental dysplasia of the hip in adult patients. Measurement of inter- and intraobserver reliability.

Brunner A, Ulmar B, Reichel H, Decking R

HSS J. 2008 Feb;4(1):25-31

Total hip arthroplasty in congenital dysplasia of the hip: follow-up of a small-dimensioned, cemented straight stem.

Decking R, Brunner A, Günther KP, Puhl W

Z Orthop Ihre Grenzgeb. 2006 Jul-Aug;144(4):380-5

Reliability of the Crowe und Hartofilakidis classifications used in the assessment of the adult Dysplastic hip.

Decking R, Brunner A, Decking J, Puhl W, Günther KP

Skeletal Radiol. 2006 May;35(5):282-7

Surgical treatment and prognosis factors in spinal metastases of breast cancer

Ulmar B, Richter M, Cakir B, Brunner A, Puhl W, Huch K

Z Orthop Ihre Grenzgeb. 2005 Mar-Apr;143(2):186-94